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FEO Begins Recruitment of 17,000 Election Officials for the 2018 General Election

Recruitment Drive Begins Statement by Stakeholder Awareness Coordinator Mr Edwin Nand

Monday 31 July 2017

Bula Vinaka Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Fijian Elections Office has begun the recruitment of 17,000 Election Officials to help deliver the 2018 General Election. On Friday morning we opened our first recruitment centre at Kshatriya Hall in Suva and saw a steady stream of applicants from as early as 7 am.

It was a good day with encouraging turnouts and applicants sat their test in calm and confident manner.

This is the first time in Fiji when a large scale recruitment is being conducted directly on Computers.

The Fijian Elections Office has now rolled out the recruitment drive across the country, with a total of 18 venues in all four Divisions.

With the commencement of the recruitment drive, our helpline is also now active. The 1501 platform will be operational between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm every week day to answer any queries that applicants may have.

This is the only helpline for queries and may I remind all applicants that they have to use the reference number issued to them at the end of the application process when making calls to this number.

The FEO will continue to create awareness around the Recruitment Drive, the venues, and the requirements over the coming weeks to ensure that applicants don’t face any issues when they turn up at the recruitment centre.

The recruitment drive has been planned for various durations depending on the number of staff we need in those areas. Interested persons should check the schedules and make their arrangements to come to these venues.

Starting tomorrow, we will have recruitment centres open in all 4 Divisions. Some will be open until 9 pm in order to cater for people who may not be able to attend during the day due to various commitments.

All relevant information is available on our website



Please find a video link for the statement:

Please forward all media queries to the FEO Communications team at

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